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Air Plant in Focus: Tillandsia Ionantha
The Ionanthas are a special type of Tillandsia and probably one of the first air plants that you will encounter in your search for small plants. The Tillandsia Ionanthas are generally 1-3 inch tall plants that look like a miniature version of the top of a pineapple with several pointed leaves.
Top 10 Small Air Plants
Air Plants (Tillandsias) come in all shapes and sizes. Their varying size is one of their most unique attributes. Here at our greenhouse we have seen Ionantha Mexican that would fit on your thumbnail, Xerographicas as large as beach balls, and everything in between.
Trichomes: Not Mold, Mildew, or a Fungus!
Customers often email and call us about an unusual white, fuzzy substance on the leaves of their new air plants. They are always pleased to find out that this white fuzz is nothing to worry about, in fact, it’s the sign of a healthy, happy air plant.
Air Plant in Focus: Tillandsia Stricta
Tillandsia Stricta is an air plant variety. Sticta is commonly crossed with other popular varieties of air plants to produce vigorous, beautiful hybrids. Sticta are usually shorter stemmed and reproduce in clumps.
Air Plant Pests
Mealybugs: These pests create a wax-like coating on the leaves. They have no wings, flat white in color and have softer bodies. Damage is created when they draw sap from the plant tissue using their mouths. If you believe you may have mealybugs, look in the areas where your stems and leaves meet.
Air Plant Light Requirements
When discussing air plants and the lighting requirements, we usually refer to 3 main lighting types. Filtered, Dappled, and Full to Partial Sun.
Air Plant Watering : The Basics
Proper watering, air circulation, proper sunlight and medium temps (fifty to ninety degrees) are the keys for air plant care. Different varieties can require different environments to flourish. 
Bromeliads consist of a wide variety of plants with the ability to flourish in a diverse set of climates. The appearance of their foliage is also varied. The leaves can appear symmetrical or irregular in shape.
What are Epiphytes?
Plants come in all shapes and sized and live in diverse climates and ecosystem. From the hardy arctic plants of the north to underwater phytoplanktons that live near deep sea hydrothermal vents, all of these plants have adapted to their environments and carved out niches that have allowed them to thrive on this planet.